PC gaming news and conversation, since 2000.
Civilization V announced
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- Published: 19-02-10, 04:12 PM
Civilization V announced
Civ fans, throw your hands up in the air! Take-Two's iconic Sid Meier series is to be extended in the 4th quarter with Civilization V and is currently in development at Firaxis. Bold claims are made, telling that this 5th instalment "reinvigorates the classic turn-based strategy genre with an astonishing new engine built from the ground-up for this flagship edition of the Civilization franchise....
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Bad Company 2 beta patched
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- Published: 19-02-10, 02:13 PM
Bad Company 2 beta patched
Joshuayu101 has dropped us a line in the forum letting us know of last night's Battlefield: Bad Company 2 patch. According to DICE's notice, the patch targets performance and stability issues. Steam users should have had their clients automatically updated by now. Hit the jump for the change-log......
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Aliens vs Predator has unlocked on Steam
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- Published: 18-02-10, 11:16 AM
Aliens vs Predator has unlocked on Steam
There's probably a lull of enthusiasm since the disappointing Aliens vs Predator demo, but all reviews point toward it being a solid title despite that. For those that have pre-purchased on Steam, the game is now available for download globally - ahead of the Steam 'countdown' date. However, as mentioned, there are no dedicated servers yet - with any luck they'll be along shortly....
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StarCraft II closed beta is live
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- Published: 18-02-10, 10:23 AM
StarCraft II closed beta is live
The news that Blizzard would likely kick-off their StarCraft II beta program...
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New Riddick movie made possible by games?
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- Published: 17-02-10, 05:37 PM
New Riddick movie made possible by games?
So, they're making a third Riddick film - the first being Pitch Black, in case you were unaware. This may come as a surprise because the second; Chronicles of Riddick, cost $105 million and only made just shy of $60 million at the US box office.
So, why on earth is another being made? How can it be made? Quite simply, it's not the movie making the money, but revenue streams outside the box off... -
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Aliens vs Predator released without dedicated servers
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- Published: 17-02-10, 12:36 PM
Aliens vs Predator released without dedicated servers
In the wake of the PC community's Modern Warfare 2 backlash, Rebellion made it very clear that dedicated servers were on their Aliens vs Predator development agenda. It was then quite strange then, even disheartening, that they decided to provide only a peer-to-peer match-making option for their demo release.
What's more is that AVP is now available in the United States, and there are still no dedicated servers. The files required for hosts to run them haven't been distributed, or even finalised it seems. This has garnered a huge "w-t-f" from the community, and it looks like we're stuck with single player until Rebellion pull their finger out...... -
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No PC release for Alan Wake
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- Published: 17-02-10, 10:44 AM
No PC release for Alan Wake
I remember being really excited about the PC release of Alan Wake. It turns out Remedy weren't, though. Just days ago it was made clear that the anticipated title is to make its way to the Xbox 360 only; "we ultimately realized that the most compelling way to experience Alan Wake was on the Xbox 360 platform, so we focused on making it an Xbox 360 exclusive" a Microsoft representative told Strategy Informer....
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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 gameplay footage
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- Published: 17-02-10, 10:29 AM
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 gameplay footage
Just over a week ago I wrote about the announcement of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, returning to the franchises famous 2D roots. Well, now some 'leaked' footage has found its way onto the web for your viewing pleasure...... -
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Rebellion defends AVP demo, gets reviewed
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- Published: 17-02-10, 09:25 AM
Rebellion defends AVP demo, gets reviewed
I wasn't alone with my Aliens vs Predator demo disappointment. Rebellion got the message loud and clear, unfortunately, they just don't see eye-to-eye with their fans.
Jason Kingsley, CEO and co-founder of Rebellion, says the motivation was to familiarise players with the controls... ... -
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Bad Company 2 EA server maintenance extended
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- Published: 16-02-10, 11:10 PM
Bad Company 2 EA server maintenance extended
Who else was just playing Mass Effect 2 for hours, hoping to get in a quick game of Bad Company 2 before bed? A DICE rep over at the EA UK forums has posted notifying us of extended beta down-time.
Previously scheduled to finish around 15 minutes ago (11pm AEST, 12am AEDT), it seems we'll have to wait an undetermined time longer...... -
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by AegisFar out, now this is an impressive Humble Bundle - THQ!
The Humble THQ Bundle (pay what you want and help charity)
- Darksiders
- Red Faction Armageddon
- Metro 2033
- Company of Heroes + Opposing Fronts + Tales of Valor
and if you beat the average (currently: $5.58) you get -- Saints Row: The Third
Obviously part of the mad scramble to bail THQ out, but gamers win.-
Channel: All Editorial
30-11-12, 09:53 AM -
by recFor anyone interested in bargain game titles without ordering online, JB Hi-Fi are now selling parallel import games on shelves.
They're not stocked on the same shelves as other games however, instead you'll find them on their own stand, so keep your eyes peeled or ask a staff members where you should be looking.-
Channel: News
21-05-12, 10:08 AM -
by recOnly at the movies May 10 is Iron Sky, and thanks to Hoyts Distribution we have 5 double passes to give away. To enter, head on over to our Facebook page and reply in the relevant post about the give away: www.facebook.com/GamersUnderground "As World War II came to a close, several German scientists deployed Nazi spaceships to the dark side of the moon to establish a military base from which they could once again strike out at the countries of Earth. Now, in 2018, they're coming back." ...
Channel: All Editorial
09-05-12, 03:00 PM -
by recZenimax Media has announced The Elder Scrolls Online, taking the popularise franchise into the genre of massively multiplayer for the first time ever. Game Informer has the exclusive scoop, who will be presenting the official reveal in their June issue. The Elder Scrolls Online will reportedly take place "a millennium before the events of Skyrim," featuring three warring player factions. The new MMO is being developed by Zenimax Online Studios, headed by Matt Firor, a Mythic Entertainment veteran who
Channel: News
04-05-12, 08:19 AM -
by recKeen to see Statham in his next action flick? We have 10 double passes being given away at around 6pm EST tomorrow night. To put yourself in the running, come up with a great Statham fact and reply with it in our SAFE post on Facebook: www.facebook.com/GamersUnderground - we'll choose the 10 most creative.
Jason Statham plays Luke Wright, an ex-special forces operative who saves a young Chinese girl. The girl, Mei, is a mathematical genius who has m-
Channel: All Editorial
02-05-12, 05:59 PM -
by cmdr_lynchieThe first two instalments of the Mass Effect series are widely considered to be some of the best games ever made. Certainly they rank among the greatest RPGs. With the outstanding quality of their story telling, and their stunning audio and visuals, they set the bar so high for the third instalment that some began to wonder if disappointment was inevitable. Thankfully the doubters have been proven wrong, as with Mass Effect 3 Bioware has not only cleared the bar, but they raised it several not...
Channel: Reviews
11-03-12, 02:55 AM -