GT5 is attainable for as cheap as $60-odd dollars, but that's if you're willing to wait a week or two for an international stockist to ship it out. Locally, you'll still find some good prices, the two cheapest we've found being BIG W at $77.97 and JB HI-FI at $79.
While EB Games nor Game are doing midnight launches, JB HI-FI is! If you live near Chadstone, Bourke St or Knox in Victoria, you're in luck - they're open from 10pm to 1am this evening for the game's release. If you're close to Hobart, Adelaide City or Miranda in NSW, you can also race in sometime after 10pm to grab your copy.
See you on the track tomorrow.
Polyphony will remedy some of these bugs and flaws with patches, but the other issues are likely here to stay. Ultimately, GT5 does a lot of things right, and I?m looking forward to spending many an hour in its company, but there's no getting away from the feeling that this was a project that got away from itself.
Fans of the series will still claim this is as good as it gets, but the problems and limitations of the game are inexcusable considering how much time and money was spent trying to get it right.
The Good
The premium cars are gorgeous
Online play with up to 16 players
Dynamic weather, day-into-night racing
The Nurburgring Nordschleife is great
The Bad
800 cars just copied over from previous games
Clunky interface
Collisions still aren't right
AI still not good enough
In a game that's about cars, making the majority of them lower-quality models without interiors is ridiculous
The shadows look terrible
The Ugly
The way damage is rendered on standard cars
Getting knocked out of the Top Gear challenge for the seventh time
You'll often ask yourself what the hell they've been doing for six years
Verdict: Rent
PS. worst UI/interface in any game I've ever played. What a mess.
Plus credits are a huge issue, you can't repeat special events so you really really need to grind races.