All of the big gaming news from Microsoft.
Bungie plan to penalise Halo: Reach rage-quitters
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- Published: 02-08-10, 09:22 AM
Bungie plan to penalise Halo: Reach rage-quitters
It seems that developers are starting to get serious about making sure that the online experience they deliver is fun, and remains fun. We know EA Sports has some anti-rage-quit measures in mind for FIFA 2011, and now Bungie's Brian Jarrard has come out and let their intentions be known on the topic: "people who do this habitually will actually be penalised."
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DiRT 3 debut trailer explodes out of the X Games
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- Published: 01-08-10, 07:30 PM
DiRT 3 debut trailer explodes out of the X Games
Codemasters haven't been shy about hyping DiRT 3; they assure us it's going to blow your freaking minds. And if the benchmarks that the first two set are anything to go by, I believe them. The third in the series has just been teased for the very first time on ESPN's X Games coverage a few hours ago, so here it is for you to check out. ...
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The Halo: Reach campaign trailer has landed
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- Published: 30-07-10, 02:51 PM
- 1 comment
The Halo: Reach campaign trailer has landed
Halo Reach is merely months away, with "Noble Team's epic, planetary battle" beginning on September 14th, in fact. Bungie has just let-loose the final trailer for the highly anticipated Xbox 360 shooter, which serves as a campaign trailer for you all to whet your appetite with. ...
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Street Fighter X Tekken reveal trailer
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- Published: 25-07-10, 02:55 PM
Street Fighter X Tekken reveal trailer
As if Marvel vs. Capcom 3 wasn't exciting enough for fighting fans, a huge bombshell has been dropped at Comic Con, in the form of Street Fighter X Tekken's reveal trailer! I won't bore you with anymore of my dribble, click play! Thanks to mepm on the forums for the heads-up! ...
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PC vs Xbox 360 scrapped to avoid humiliation
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- Published: 22-07-10, 04:03 PM
PC vs Xbox 360 scrapped to avoid humiliation
Apparently, and not exactly surprisingly, Microsoft had plans to create a standard for cross-platform play between Games for Windows LIVE titles and the Xbox 360. But according to Rahul Sood, CTO of gaming at HP, the idea was binned after play-tests left the Xbox gamers emotionally bruised and battered.
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Discover Limbo today
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- Published: 21-07-10, 09:34 AM
- 1 comment
Discover Limbo today
I've been ranting about this extremely intriguing indie platformer on the forums for a little while now, and today it sees its Xbox 360 Arcade release, at 1200 MS points. At this point no plans to release it on other platforms have been announced, although you can't help but feel that not releasing it for Android and the iPhone would be a crying shame.
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Plants vs. Zombies to feature versus and co-op on Xbox 360
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- Published: 19-07-10, 09:17 AM
Plants vs. Zombies to feature versus and co-op on Xbox 360
Someone over at Joystiq has a keen eye, spotting a couple of achievements for the Xbox LIVE Arcade release of PopCap's Plants vs. Zombies which indicate some new game modes. Specifically, it looks as though we can expect a versus mode, as well as some form co-operative play. ...
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EA Sports sims smarter than you might think
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- Published: 12-07-10, 11:18 PM
EA Sports sims smarter than you might think
So an octopus named Paul predicted a bunch of World Cup matches correctly, pfft, so what - he'll be dead in two years anyway. That's if the Germans don't eat him before that. What's really interesting is that EA Sports used their 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa title to simulate the World Cup, a first for the developer, and it also picked Spain as the winner. Now that's hardly impressive by itself, until you consider that EA Sports have been using their Madden franchise to simulate the NFL Super Bowl for 7 years, and it has only picked the winner wrong once.
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Metal Gear Solid: Rising trailer
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- Published: 15-06-10, 01:20 PM
Metal Gear Solid: Rising trailer
The next Metal Gear Solid is on the way, titled Rising, and a trailer has been outed at Microsoft's E3 press conference. Fans of sneaking, prepare to be quietly excited... -
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Xbox 360 'Slim' and Kinect versus Move
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- Published: 15-06-10, 09:27 AM
Xbox 360 'Slim' and Kinect versus Move
Before you ask; Kinect is the official name for Microsoft's Natal, which was merely a codename for the project. Kinect lands this November, and is priced at $150 USD. Surprisingly, it's smaller than what you might have expecetd, but still requires it's own power adapter...
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by recPerhaps the worst kept secret of the impending Mass Effect 3 release is that it will include a multiplayer component. This rumour has now been confirmed by BioWare who inform us that we can expect some 4-player co-op action with the franchise's next instalment, titled "Galaxy at War". In it, you'll be able to create and develop a unique character and explore the Mass Effect universe with friends. Characters won't be limited to humans either, so if you feel the need to roll-out as a Turian, Kro...
Channel: Xbox
12-10-11, 10:30 AM -
by recAired during an English Premier League match on Friday was this Modern Warfare 3 campaign trailer. Titled "Redemption", the all-new single player trailer provides a lot of action as well as a few spoilers. The description reads "in the world's darkest hour, are you willing to do what is necessary? Prepare yourself for a cinematic thrill-ride as only Call of Duty can deliver."
Channel: Xbox
09-10-11, 09:20 AM -
by recForza 4 is just over a week away from release. For those of you that just can't wait, or aren't quite sure if you're willing to shell out the coin quite yet, you can now take a quick drive around Bernese Alps to make up your mind. The demo weights in at 1.27 GB but only currently available to Xbox Live Gold subscribers....
Channel: Xbox
03-10-11, 10:49 PM -
by recPartnering with Virgin Gaming, EA have revealed a $1,600,000 "Worldwide Conquest" cash prize tournament for their forthcoming first-person-shoot epic, Battlefield 3. They claim it's the biggest console cash prize pool in history! You did read that right, however. Yes, console. Unfortunately for PC gamers, you will need BF3 on your Xbox 360 or PS3 to take part.
Here's the press release in full:
EA and Virgin Gaming Announce Battlefield 3 Videogame Competition with $1.6 Million...-
Channel: Xbox
28-09-11, 09:09 AM -
by recI wasn't too sure about an F1 2011 purchase, with concerns about how different or how much of an improvement it could be over 2010. But, the demonstration of new feature inclusions such as DRS, KERS and the safety car have secured my $50. This final video developer diary for F1 2011 features Senior Producer Paul Jeal and Chief Games Designer Stephen Hood, talking about those aforementioned season updates.
F1 2011 will be available on Steam come September 22nd.
Channel: Xbox
17-09-11, 02:25 PM -
by recUploaded to the official Battlefield YouTube channel just a couple of hours ago is an extended look at the Operation Guillotine gameplay trailer that was teased last week. In it you will take an extended look at how U.S. Marine Sgt. Blackburn enters the city of Tehran in Operation Guillotine, a joint operation to capture key members of the PLR leadership. You'll find the video embed below and in case you missed it; we posted up some drool-worth screenshots yesterday as well, which you can check o...
Channel: Xbox
17-09-11, 09:53 AM -