to install just give ISO and then install then dump the folder from lothar,DragonXR or somone with it updated and bam Ready
I Do the same with oblivion,Masseffect,quake wars and other games i play cause i install windows every month or two
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DGA 55 - Friday 27th March - Saturday 28th March
I reckon we should give Unreal Tournament 3 with the new Titan Pack a go.
Its got a new gamemode I think might go down well. Its a hyrbid of free for all, and team deathmatch. The teams u are put on are temporary. Each kill your team gets is put in a pot. You can then choose to betray your team mates by killing them and taking whats in the pot. There's more to it than that with retribution etc. but that about sums it up. Only 1 person can win the game.
I think the backstabbing aspect would be good in a LAN enviroment. (cept for any REAL LIFE retribution)
Its also instagib so it will be good for new or casual players (not much of a learning curve).
Its called betrayal and theres a good guide to it in this vid.
The only downside is it could be a bit complicated for those that havent seen the vid. But I will have it, along with everything else needed to play UT3, shared at the lan.
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I say Tribes 2. Massive maps with multiplayer vehicles... Awesome fun. ^_^ Stuff the graphics which aren't great, the game itself rocks.
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I love a game of 2142 weither it be 8v8. But for the people who do not have it currently installed it takes a while to patch...
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i've said it before, i'll say it again - Rune: Halls of Valhalla. Awesome in mass multiplayer. should support near 50 players at least on modern hardware. there's nothing like hacking a player's head off then using it to kill them again when they respawn
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mmmm 2142 will there be enough players at DGA/Who want to play it. :-D
the list of oldies i put up might be fun
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Originally posted by PapaDom View Postyou know what, how about we don't play L4D?
Every LAN I've been to has been a huge L4D fest and those who get left out of the 8 players usually pack it in for the night.
Think about games that you can get the majority of the LAN playing together, instead of making it segregated through restricted room sizes.
perhaps some 2142 action ;D
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yeah, what about Farcry 1, or something like that..
Anyway, night all ...12 am :eek:
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you know what, how about we don't play L4D?
Every LAN I've been to has been a huge L4D fest and those who get left out of the 8 players usually pack it in for the night.
Think about games that you can get the majority of the LAN playing together, instead of making it segregated through restricted room sizes.
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im used to 500-600 ping servers i used lag to my advantage in quake 3 arena ad team arena but i found quake 3 ginda off on my video card it runs kinda weird like FPS Drops and so forth Most likely its the new Drivers 182.08 WDDM Vista Drivers im not going back to older ones i have allways been up to date
ill do some nvidia Driver tweaking for quake 3 profile and see what i can do with it or use some console addons and tweaks
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you go to hard on yourself, lol. you'll be right, I remember gaming you in q3 on my crap server i had running for a while. ggs
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if im able to get there ill most likly be playing L4D,Hawx,Vegas 2 and mabe some others. Quake 3 im still way out of practice:grin:
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