The Mechwarrior: Living Legends mod for Crysis (vanilla Crysis, NOT Warhead) was absolutely goddamned epic. Unfortunately only 4 of us had copies of Crysis installed - which didn't detract in any way from the awesome except to add longer delays between engagements - the reason for this is that the maps are designed for 32 players.
Ideally, we want more people ready to play at the next DGA - i for one intend to play it all night again - so here's what you need if you want to join in:
Crysis patched up to 1.2.1
Crysis 1.2 patch from 'node
Crysis 1.2.1 hotfix from 'node
and the beta of the mod itself from - we were playing version 0.2.0 but 0.3.0 will be out any day now so i wont directly link to the download.
I have to say, for such an early beta the game is surprisingly robust - a few people had issues being unable to run it but beyond that it was almost flawless and I'm hoping the runtime issue will be solved by the new release.
issues we experienced:
* shitful controls for aircraft (has the Crysis issue of inverted mouse applying to all control sets or none - they have got an early release of an application to remap controls: Spotlight : MWLL Actionmapper which may sort this)
* some geometry issues - i fell through the map after jumpjetting onto a large rock
* i'm too awesome on foot - work around for this was i couldn't take my beautiful PPC
awesomes we experienced:
* your first core breach....
* low G mech combat
* other stuff
Ideally, we want more people ready to play at the next DGA - i for one intend to play it all night again - so here's what you need if you want to join in:
Crysis patched up to 1.2.1
Crysis 1.2 patch from 'node
Crysis 1.2.1 hotfix from 'node
and the beta of the mod itself from - we were playing version 0.2.0 but 0.3.0 will be out any day now so i wont directly link to the download.
I have to say, for such an early beta the game is surprisingly robust - a few people had issues being unable to run it but beyond that it was almost flawless and I'm hoping the runtime issue will be solved by the new release.
issues we experienced:
* shitful controls for aircraft (has the Crysis issue of inverted mouse applying to all control sets or none - they have got an early release of an application to remap controls: Spotlight : MWLL Actionmapper which may sort this)
* some geometry issues - i fell through the map after jumpjetting onto a large rock
* i'm too awesome on foot - work around for this was i couldn't take my beautiful PPC

awesomes we experienced:
* your first core breach....
* low G mech combat
* other stuff