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The Hunter

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  • The Hunter

    Stumbled across this game at the start of the week.

    It's a proper hunting simulator. Yes I know, I can hear the collective *groans* and *wtfmates?* already.
    Bear with me though (badoom tish).

    I've never really been inclined to shoot animals for sport; nor even play a hunting game before.
    But i thought I'd give this game a go anyway; and holy-shit am I hooked.

    I am a huge fan of stealth games, and this is pretty much the ultimate in stealth games (you just shoot animals, instead of people). You can free-roam or sit in a blind, call to animals, track them or a combination of the above.

    The game play is obviously going to be quite slow. There aren't animals at every turn and you have to actively track your prey, sometimes for a good 30-45 minutes. But sneaking up on a thousand pound moose and taking it down with a bow is surprisingly thrilling. The game also focusses on 'ethical' hunting, preventing you from getting competition scores for killing animals with the wrong weapon / ammunition. So yay for the hippies I guess.

    Graphically, this engine delivers. It's a few years old but still has an impressive amount of detail.
    The forests are thick, the environments varied and the ambience is about as true to life as a game gets.

    It's free to play or you can purchase upgraded hunting licenses and get different weapons.
    Check it out if you're a fan of the series or even if you like a good stealth game. You might be surprised.

    P.S: I will murder the first person who starts arguing about the morality/ethics of shooting virtual animals.

    theHunter - The most realistic hunting game online

  • #2
    is it better than cabela's series?


    • #3
      Cabelas is an arcade shooting gallery. This is a hunting Sim. So depends on what you want out of the game.

      Ie, I just finished a 2hr hunt and bagged three moose. Most of it was spent tracking and spotting them, staying up wind and setting up the perfect shot

