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  • Battlefield 3 puts dent in Modern Warfare market share

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    Battlefield 3 puts dent in Modern Warfare market share

    I don't think there was any doubt in the mind of many shooter enthusiasts that Battlefield 3 was going to convert some Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players, pinching some of Activision's profit margin. It appears that is the case, with EA's Peter Moore saying that while the latest Call of Duty continued the trend of breaking sales records, that doesn't mean Battlefield 3 missed out on nabbing some market share from the FPS giant. "Ten million sold in and five million sold through doesn't come out of...
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  • Modern Warfare 3 review

    Modern Warfare 3 review

    2011 brings us Modern Warfare 3, the third in the series and the eighth major Call of Duty title. In it you will as and alongside numerous characters in numerous units, some returning from previous games, on a mission to bring an end to a global conflict that has been masterminded by a single ruthless psychopath. If it were a film it would be a popcorn flick at best and at worst inexcusable b-grade rubbish. But because of its delivery as a game, like the previous Modern Warfare titles, it's yet ag...
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  • Modern Warfare 3 Facebook and ELITE integration

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    Modern Warfare 3 Facebook and ELITE integration

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's social features sure do sound a treat, as explained in this article's video embed. Battlelog-esque, there's some deep integration that looks to improve your multiplayer experience. Unfortunately, it has been delayed for PC gamers. Not only is ELITE not launching on day one, but the developers have absolutely no date for us, not even an approximate a release window. This blow comes just after news that the freely available PC dedicated aren't actually ranked at a...
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  • Modern Warfare 3 "Soldier in All of Us" commercial

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    Modern Warfare 3 "Soldier in All of Us" commercial

    It looks like the "soldier in all of us" theme from Call of Duty: Blacks Ops is being carried forth into Modern Warfare 3. In this new live-action trailer you'll see Sam "The Vet" Worthington and Jonah "The Noob" Hill make a mess in the street of New York, and across the world.

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  • Modern Warfare 3 gets its own launch trailer

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    Modern Warfare 3 gets its own launch trailer

    The guys over at Activision also have a launch trailer for their year's big shooter, Modern Warfare 3. Like the Battlefield 3 launch trailer you'll see a heap of excellent single player campaign sequences, but the horrible voice casting and dated graphics might send you straight back to watch that instead. MW3 hits Steam on November 9.

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  • Modern Warfare 3 shows off campaign in new trailer

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    Modern Warfare 3 shows off campaign in new trailer

    Aired during an English Premier League match on Friday was this Modern Warfare 3 campaign trailer. Titled "Redemption", the all-new single player trailer provides a lot of action as well as a few spoilers. The description reads "in the world's darkest hour, are you willing to do what is necessary? Prepare yourself for a cinematic thrill-ride as only Call of Duty can deliver."

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  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer reveal

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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer reveal

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's multiplayer reveal recently exploded onto the internet, showcasing a bunch of game modes including Kill Confirmed, Capture the Flag, Team Deathmatch and Ground War. Weapons also get featured; you'll spot a airdrop traps, remote turrets, EMPs, flashes, frags, bouncing betty's and more.

    Modern Warfare 3 is available November 8 on Xbox, PS3 and PC.

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  • Modern Warfare 3 will have dedicated servers, pre-purchase for $60

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    Modern Warfare 3 will have dedicated servers, pre-purchase for $60

    For those of you interested in playing Modern Warfare 3 on the PC, which I imagine will be far fewer than any previous version, rest assured you won't be slung with some dodgy console-like peer-to-peer match-matching system. Activision has confirmed at GamesCom that the PC version of the game will support dedicated servers. There is no word on weather the servers will be through any official set of providers, or if they can be run freely by anyone who sees fit. Activision also said it won't la...
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  • Battlefield 3: Paris Multiplayer gameplay trailer

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    Battlefield 3: Paris Multiplayer gameplay trailer

    The latest official Battlefield 3 video takes us back to Paris for an extended look at some chaotic combat and destruction across their highly awarded map; Operation Metro. Also on the BF3 front is Cowen & Company's first year sales forecast of 11 million units, putting pre-orders on par with Call of Duty: Black Ops. Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling even says he'll buy a copy.

    - Battlefield 3 pre-orders 'comparable to CoD: Black Ops' - analyst
    - Infinity Ward's Robert...
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  • If you missed it: 10 minutes of Modern Warfare 3

    in Xbox

    If you missed it: 10 minutes of Modern Warfare 3

    There's little doubt most of you would have seen the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 reveal trailer, but attendees at E3 2011 were given an extended look at the forthcoming shooter. If you haven't yet seen that footage yourself yet, we've embedded it here for your appraisal. As you'll quickly discover, it was presented during Microsoft's expo presentation, and is of course played on their Xbox 360 console...
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  • Blizzard release schedule leaked, reveals next-gen MMO

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    Blizzard release schedule leaked, reveals next-gen MMO

    Confidential Blizzard production slate documents were recently leaked onto the internet, pictured here, outlining the release of many upcoming games. These include StarCraft II, Diablo III and World of Warcraft expansions. The most interesting of the lot being "Titan", which has now been confirmed by Blizzard to be their next generation massively multiplayer online title...
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  • pcdev: Call of Duty: Black Ops patch is going live today

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    pcdev: Call of Duty: Black Ops patch is going live today

    Update: the patch is now live on Steam! Have a read of the official Steam news article for a full list of fixes.

    The wait is almost over. Treyarch's pcdev on Twitter sends word that the "PC patch going live today (PST)." That update was made approximately ten minutes prior to writing this article, and means the release window is during the next eight hours. By the time most of you get home from work today, you might have a stutter-free Black Ops! Click here for a list of apparent fixes. ...
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  • Black Ops "in progress" fix list updated

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    Black Ops "in progress" fix list updated

    It's a couple days overdue, but JD_2020 has finally updated Treyarch's "in progress" fix list for the PC version of Call of Duty: Black Ops. And it's huge. On that list is "connect" and "reconnect" commands to the console, the fixing of "random freezes" and improvements to the problematic spawn system. Unfortunately, there is no word of bomb and footstep volume levels updated which has already been done on consoles, and no word on a radar exploit fix. Here's the full list......
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  • JD_2020 confirms console Black Ops fixes coming to PC

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    JD_2020 confirms console Black Ops fixes coming to PC

    Owners of Call of Duty: Black Ops have been waiting impatiently for over a week now for word on a patch to finally resolve the GPU hitching problem, as well as the vast array of others. JD_2020, Treyarch's community manager, writes "I wanted to reassure you we're still here and listening, and working on a patch." He wasn't willing to give an ETA, but did document patch time-lines, from information gathering to deployment, which can take up to a month. ...
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  • JD_2020 updates Call of Duty: Black Ops fix list for PC

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    JD_2020 updates Call of Duty: Black Ops fix list for PC

    Treyarch's community manager, JD_2020, has just updated us on what exactly was fixed in the latest patch, but more importantly what wasn't - but will be. As you're probably aware, CPU performance improvements were made, dropping usage and upping frame rates. However poor saps like me on an Nvidia GTX480 are still experiencing hitching and stuttering. If you're in my boat, Treyarch hasn't forgotten about us!...
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