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e3 2011 x

  • 15 minutes of Bioshock Infinite from E3

    in Xbox

    15 minutes of Bioshock Infinite from E3

    Finally, after promises and teasers, the entire 15 minute E3 2011 presentation of Bioshock Infinite is now available online in all of its glory. I actually hadn't given this next installment too much thought, but with this, has rocketed onto my must-buy list. It's now obvious why it heralded so much praise at the event, and you should certainly watch it too - right now.

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  • STAR WARS: The Old Republic's Battle for Alderaan

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    STAR WARS: The Old Republic's Battle for Alderaan

    From the recently run E3 2011 expo is this STAR WARS: The Old Republic highlight wheel, featuring a conflict on the war-torn planet of Alderaan. "A militaristic Republic war hero has seized the throne in a misguided attempt to protect the people of Alderaan. Watch as Republic players confront the powerful and well-protected 'King Ulgo', in this Highlights Video."

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  • Twisted Metal gameplay from E3 2011

    Twisted Metal gameplay from E3 2011

    I've been quietly skeptical about the potential quality and success of the Twisted Metal reboot since its announcement. That was until I saw some gameplay from E3 2011. The Indie development scene as well as mobile gaming boom have delivered refreshing reminders that games can still just be "fun" without needing to be deep or complex - and Twisted Metal looks to hit the spot. Embedded is some gameplay and an interview with creator; David Jaffe...
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  • Ghost Recon: Future Soldier beta details

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    Ghost Recon: Future Soldier beta details

    An official Tweet by @GhostRecon reveals that we can expect a Ghost Recon: Future Soldier multiplayer beta early in the new year: "We know you have been asking about the beta. We're excited to announce that the MP beta will be launching in January 2012!" No details on platform nor participation qualification were revealed at this stage. Click through for the game's E3 2011 presentation.....
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  • Active-duty military gamers talk Battlefield 3

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    Active-duty military gamers talk Battlefield 3

    A new video has been put together by the Battlefield team, showcasing "what actual active-duty, veteran military gamers think of Battlefield 3" after they got a chance to see and play it at the very recent E3 2011. There are even a couple of Aussies in the mix, from PALGN. And what's the consensus? Apparently it's pretty freaking awesome...
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  • If you missed it: 10 minutes of Modern Warfare 3

    in Xbox

    If you missed it: 10 minutes of Modern Warfare 3

    There's little doubt most of you would have seen the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 reveal trailer, but attendees at E3 2011 were given an extended look at the forthcoming shooter. If you haven't yet seen that footage yourself yet, we've embedded it here for your appraisal. As you'll quickly discover, it was presented during Microsoft's expo presentation, and is of course played on their Xbox 360 console...
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  • Mass Effect 3 to get co-op multiplayer

    in Xbox

    Mass Effect 3 to get co-op multiplayer

    There was plenty of murmurs at E3 2011 about BioWare's interest in multiplayer, even in regards to the Mass Effect universe. Eurogamer is now claiming that information from undisclosed sources confirm that Mass Effect 3 will feature a standalone, four-player co-operative mode. It's said the co-op missions won't tie into the main storyline, and are designed around replay value....
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  • Uncharted 3's E3 footage seen on Jimmy Fallon

    Uncharted 3's E3 footage seen on Jimmy Fallon

    Some pretty amazing Uncharted 3 footage was shown at E3, and it just aired on The Jimmy Fallon Show for the rest of the world to see. In Jimmy's next show we'll see debut footage of Battlefield 3 running on console, so stay tuned for that! In the meantime, click on through and have a gawk at Uncharted 3.....
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  • STAR WARS: The Old Republic Tatooine developer walkthrough

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    STAR WARS: The Old Republic Tatooine developer walkthrough

    Dallas Dickinson, Director of Production on STAR WARS: The Old Republic gives us a hefty 11 minute walkthrough of the forthcoming MMO at E3 2011. You'll see actual gameplay within Tatooine, played out using a Sith Sorcerer. Despite looking typically "MMO", it looks like it might be one of the better ones...
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  • EA delivers a live action Mass Effect 3 trailer at E3 2011

    in Xbox

    EA delivers a live action Mass Effect 3 trailer at E3 2011

    Mass Effect 3 has been delayed until March 2012, but Bioware assure us the delay will be worth it. And while it has been confirmed that this will be the end of Commander Shepard's story, it has also been confirmed that this is most certainly not the end of the Mass Effect universe. EA has just released a new trailer, a live action trailer, to show off at the winding-up E3 2011 expo. Have a look...
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  • The first Neverwinter trailer debuts at E3

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    The first Neverwinter trailer debuts at E3

    Announced last year, Cryptic's Neverwinter gets its first trailer thanks to Atari's presence at E3 2011. Neverwinter is the third Neverwinter Nights game developed by Cryptic, and is said to be an "Online RPG", which gets me very excited after having spent vast amounts of time in persistent world modules for the first game in the series. Have a look for yourself...
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  • Carmack: Consoles hampering raw horsepower of PCs

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    Carmack: Consoles hampering raw horsepower of PCs

    Industry legend and genius, John Carmack of id Software rants about the current state of games hardware and what the future holds at E3 2011. Carmack has told CVG "their best cards (nVidia and AMD) are literally in order of magnitude more powerful than the consoles."...
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  • Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim E3 2011 walkthrough

    in Xbox

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim E3 2011 walkthrough

    Game Trailers have published a developer walkthrough video showcasing highly anticipated The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Impressively, the gorgeous footage is running on the Xbox 360 - we can't wait to see it running on PC. The game's out for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 on November 11, 2011...
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  • Assassin's Creed Revelations single player walkthrough

    in Xbox

    Assassin's Creed Revelations single player walkthrough

    Here is 6 minutes of action from Assassin's Creed Revelations. It certainly looks like more of the same, but hey, if it's not broken, don't fix it. The video summary explains "In Ezio's final chapter, Assassin's Creed Revelations, Ezio is on a personal quest in search of the secrets left behind by legendary Altair. In this walkthrough we would like to present to you a mission that occurs halfway through the game as Ezio is hot on the trail of a leading Templar who has the last key he needs to unlock the hidden library....
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  • 14 minutes of Batman: Arkham City gameplay

    in Xbox

    14 minutes of Batman: Arkham City gameplay

    Thanks to Gamespot, we've got a 14 minute developer walkthrough of Batman: Arkham City for you to sink your teeth into. During the presentation, the developer boasts that the core storyline alone should keep you busy for 15 hours, with up to 25 hours of action in total if you want to pursue all the side missions as well.

    "Batman: Arkham City builds upon the intense, atmospheric foundation of Batman: Arkham Asylum, sending players soaring into Arkham City - five times larger than the
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