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crysis x

  • Crysis 2 multiplayer demonstration from GamesCom

    in News

    Crysis 2 multiplayer demonstration from GamesCom

    Prepare for a guided, albeit brief tour of some Crysis 2 multiplayer action - all the way from Gamescom in Germany. The gameplay itself, while seemingly vanilla, looks absolutely gorgeous. Nano-suit abilities such as scaling buildings with giant leaps, complete with animations of arms grabbing window ledges, is particularly impressive. ...
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  • Crysis 2 beta announced

    in News

    Crysis 2 beta announced

    The official Crysis 2 website is about to be relaunched - probably within hours of writing this article. Once its "maximum upgrade" is complete, the opportunity to secure access to the now confirmed beta program will be made available. "Early registrations will be tracked, and our first wave of users will have a chance to win a key as and when the Crysis 2 beta takes place. All you need to do is sign up early and one day in the near future you may be receiving a mail with an invite to the game....
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  • CryEngine 3 goes 3D

    CryEngine 3 goes 3D

    Most gamers already thought the prospect of Crytek's CryEngine 3 was rather sweet. 'Better graphics' than Crysis, support for current generation consoles, and a leap from the jungle to the cityscape of New York with Crysis 2. Well here's the icing on your cake; CryEngine 3 will feature full and tailored support for 3D gaming. Eat up!...
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  • Crysis 2 headed to New York, Playstation 3

    Crysis 2 headed to New York, Playstation 3

    Finally, the CryEngine gets well and truly out of the jungle. PlayStation: The Official Magazine reveals a "World Exclusive" cover, indicating the sequel will see us fighting off "aliens invading NYC". The issue isn't due until March, but we're hoping a heap of new details might surface before then. In the worst case, we'll know more when the magazine hits store shelves. What we already know from this reveal alone however, is that we can expect the game on the Playstation 3....
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