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hollywood x

  • Grand Theft Auto 5 announced

    in News

    Grand Theft Auto 5 announced

    Said to be set in a recession-hit Los Angeles, Rockstar have teased the fifth title in their highly acclaimed and highly controversial Grand Theft Auto series, with just the logo pictured here. The information surrounding the game's setting suggests Hollywood is the focus and would mean some convenient recycling of L.A. Noire assets. Nothing much more is known nor rumoured, but we'll know more for sure on November 2nd when the debut trailer lands, conspicuously close to the release of a franch...
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  • Shutter Island: biggest opening for both DiCaprio and Scorsese

    Release Date Was Delayed, but ‘Shutter Island’ Soars -
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  • New Riddick movie made possible by games?

    New Riddick movie made possible by games?

    So, they're making a third Riddick film - the first being Pitch Black, in case you were unaware. This may come as a surprise because the second; Chronicles of Riddick, cost $105 million and only made just shy of $60 million at the US box office.

    So, why on earth is another being made? How can it be made? Quite simply, it's not the movie making the money, but revenue streams outside the box off...
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