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legendary pictures x

  • Expect to find the Mass Effect movie at Comic-Con

    in Xbox

    Expect to find the Mass Effect movie at Comic-Con

    We've been left in the dark regarding any potential Mass Effect film for quite a long time, but finally dawn breaks, and it's bright! The studio behind Inception and The Dark Knight, Legendary Pictures, is at the helm - having snatched up the rights to the film in May 2010. Excitingly, they've just delivered a press release revealing that it will be a part of their line-up at Comic-Con this July! Screenwriter Mark Protosevich will attend as a part of the studio's panel, as will BioWare's Casey Hudso...
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  • Legendary Pictures taking on Mass Effect film adaptation

    in Xbox

    Legendary Pictures taking on Mass Effect film adaptation

    Do you have faith in the ability of the guys behind 300, The Dark Knight and Watchmen? Me too! That's why I'm so excited to hear that they've snapped up the rights to a live-action Mass Effect film; my most beloved sci-fi game in the history of sci-fi games.....
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