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marvel vs capcom 3 x

  • THQ announce Australian Capcom event

    in News

    THQ announce Australian Capcom event

    Care to have a stab at Asura's Wrath, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City or Street Fighter X Tekken? How about Marvel vs Capcom 3 on the PlayStation Vita? You can do just that on February 1st at the "Super Ultimate Showcase" if you live in Sydney or are willing to make the trek. The classic-arcade themed event, rumoured to be giving away an arcade machine to one lucky chap, is indeed a public event - but you do need to register. Spots are limited, so if you want to attend you'll need to ema...
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  • Marvel vs Capcom 3 officially announced

    Marvel vs Capcom 3 officially announced

    It has been rumored for months, near confirmed a fortnight ago, and with yesterday's trailer leak the official announcement was imminent. Now, Capcom has delivered the exciting news first hand. A decade since MVC2, the third installment titled "Fate of Two Worlds" has a planned release of Spring (in the United States), 2011......
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  • Marvel vs Capcom 3 trailer leaked

    Marvel vs Capcom 3 trailer leaked

    A couple of weeks ago we reported on some inside information about the upcoming release of the unannounced Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Well, it's time to dust off the Hori because one of the most popular fighting franchises in history is returning. An official announcement is expected tomorrow....
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