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randy pitchford x

  • Aliens: Colonial Marines gameplay trailer

    in News

    Aliens: Colonial Marines gameplay trailer

    Another Aliens: Colonial Marines treat has arrived in the shape of the gameplay trailer that has been embedded here for your viewing pleasure. Since the news of the delayed release Gearbox has revealed its plans for multiplayer component showing "very soon" having given it "a huge amount of attention". Stayed tuned for that!

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  • 11 minutes of Aliens: Colonial Marines

    in News

    11 minutes of Aliens: Colonial Marines

    If you care to listen to Randy Pitchford narrate poorly over the course of about 11 minutes, then you'll also get the chance to see some pretty cool Aliens: Colonial Marines single player gameplay. This walk through was the one shown at the last E3 and covers act 2 of the game's campaign.

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  • Turk gets beat at Duke Nukem Forever

    in Xbox

    Turk gets beat at Duke Nukem Forever

    Donald Faison, otherwise known as Turk on the hit television series Scrubs, sits down with some fellow celebrities for a game of Duke Nukem Forever team deathmatch. And loses. His friends and foe include Gearbox founder Randy Pitchford, Insomniac Games founder Ted Price. There's also a slew of other games industry and TV stars including the very pretty Alison Haislip, Jessica Chobot and more. Check out all the action in the video embed...
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  • Duke Nukem says critics are "missing the point"

    in News

    Duke Nukem says critics are "missing the point"

    The voice of Duke Nukem, Jon St John, has slammed poor reviews of Duke Nukem Forever, telling The JoyPads "I have no comments regarding bad reviews by clueless critics. They seem to want to compare Duke Nukem Forever to Call Of Duty and other FPS's and they are missing the point."...
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