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street fighter x tekken x

  • THQ announce Australian Capcom event

    in News

    THQ announce Australian Capcom event

    Care to have a stab at Asura's Wrath, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City or Street Fighter X Tekken? How about Marvel vs Capcom 3 on the PlayStation Vita? You can do just that on February 1st at the "Super Ultimate Showcase" if you live in Sydney or are willing to make the trek. The classic-arcade themed event, rumoured to be giving away an arcade machine to one lucky chap, is indeed a public event - but you do need to register. Spots are limited, so if you want to attend you'll need to ema...
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  • Street Fighter X Tekken reveal trailer

    in Xbox

    Street Fighter X Tekken reveal trailer

    As if Marvel vs. Capcom 3 wasn't exciting enough for fighting fans, a huge bombshell has been dropped at Comic Con, in the form of Street Fighter X Tekken's reveal trailer! I won't bore you with anymore of my dribble, click play! Thanks to mepm on the forums for the heads-up! ...
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