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Red Faction TV movie

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  • Red Faction TV movie

    This sounds really cool - Syfy is working on a TV movie for Red Faction which might turn into a full blown TV series.

    Red Faction TV movie being produced by Syfy; ongoing series possible -- Joystiq
    It looks like THQ and the still awkwardly named Syfy have more than just De Blob in store for their transmedia tryst: Broadcasting & Cable reports that "Syfy has just closed a deal to bring Red Faction to television via a two-hour movie, which will also serve as a back-door pilot." A "back-door pilot," for those of you not in on television industry jargon, is defined by Variety as a "pilot episode filmed as a standalone movie, so it can be broadcast if it is not picked up as a series." So, in other words, Syfy is making a Red Faction movie, ostensibly tied into the new, more "narrative" game expected in early 2011, with the hope of continuing the production as an ongoing series.
    I for one am looking forward to seeing the protagonist sucker someone onto a singularity bomb

    just hoping they line up some of BSG's writing talent for the task.

  • #2
    It can't be any worse than the games, I guess.


    • #3
      RF1 was awesome. RF:G was awesome. both were ground breaking (although the third had less ground in favour of more buildings).

      i dont know what you were playing but i suspect it had ponies and rainbows and shit.


      • #4
        Red Faction 1 was a joke. A gimmick. Once you had blown some holes in a few walls it was a big, fat, poorly produced zZzz.


        • #5
          had a decent enough storyline and multiplayer was awesome.


          • #6
            The multiplayer was fun, you're right. That was its only saving grace imo.


            • #7
              since when has single player been relevant in an MP game?


              • #8
                Since when was Red Faction not a single player game?


                • #9
                  i've never played it single player, played a bit of MP tho. so uh. since forever!


                  • #10
                    yea red faction multi is quite awesome and heaps of fun.
                    campaign is a snoozefest


                    • #11
                      yeah, because slapping bitches around from the cockpit of a mech is boring as sin - you and rec ought to go cuddle in a corner somewhere, maybe that's the excitement you're after? ;p


                      • #12
                        its extremely repetitive is all
                        fun at first but after awhile...


                        • #13
                          Throwing sticky bombs on enemies.

                          Need I say more.


                          • #14
                            Red Faction: Origins (TV 2011) - IMDb

                            Never Played the games so no idea how this is. But purely from game + "syfy", I would say it's anus.

                            Apparently showed in june, but it's now out on dvd, hooray.


                            • #15
                              it was pretty crappy

