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"Now is a good time to download some history insurance" - Wikileaks documents

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  • #31
    Streisand effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    • #32
      WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested in London


      • #33
        I just read that Q&A and realised something. Assassinating Assange would be the worst thing they could do. Let's see how his recent arrest plays out.


        • #34


          • #35
            Anonymous take down banks and prosecutor's websites in defense of Assange. PostFinance's website has now been down for 18 hours, at the time of writing this.

            In retaliation another group has launched a denial of service attack on Anon's own website.

            The forces of Anonymous have taken aim at several companies who are refusing to do business with WikiLeaks. 4chan's hordes have launched distributed denial-of-service attacks against PayPal, Swiss bank PostFinance, and other sites that have hindered the whistleblowing site's operations.

            A self-styled spokesman for the group calling himself "Coldblood" has said that any website that's "bowing down to government pressure" is a target. PayPal ceased processing donations to the site, and PostFinance froze WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's account. The attacks are being performed under the Operation: Payback banner; Operation: Payback is the name the group is using in its long-running attacks on the RIAA, MPAA, and other organizations involved with anti-piracy lawsuits.

            The initial attacks against PayPal were substantially ineffective; the PayPal blog was taken offline, but the main PayPal site wasn't harmed. The attacks against PostFinance, however, have resulted in the bank's website being unavailable for more than 16 hours. It remains unavailable at the time of writing. The latest target is the site of the Swedish prosecutors in Assange's sexual misconduct trial. This too appears to be offline. Twitter has also been named as a future attack target, due to its claimed censorship of the #wikileaks hashtag.

            The companies being attacked deny that their behavior is a result of government influence. Rather, they are claiming that WikiLeaks and Assange have failed to adhere to the terms of use of various services. Amazon, which for a time hosted the site, said that WikiLeaks was failing to ensure that it "wasn't putting innocent people in jeopardy." PostFinance said that Assange lied on an application form.

            In a case of tit-for-tat, unknown forces have since launched a denial of service attack against Anonymous' own site (one that took it offline shortly after publication), though the IRC channel used for coordination is still operational, and its denial-of-service software, LOIC, is still functioning properly.

            WikiLeaks was itself the target of massive denial of service attacks in the wake of its release of thousands of US embassy cables. The source of these attacks remains unknown. In addition to making the main WikiLeaks site hard to access, DoS attacks against DNS provider EveryDNS resulted in the company cutting WikiLeaks off, as it was unwilling to tolerate the excess traffic.

            In spite of this, hundreds of mirrors of the site have popped up across the globe, with Anonymous claiming to have created many of them. An "insurance file"?an encrypted torrent of the entire cable dump?has been widely distributed, along with the promise that the decryption key will be published should anything bad happen to WikiLeaks.

            Assange himself is currently remanded in custody in the UK. Swedish prosecutors are seeking to have him extradited to face sexual misconduct charges. He surrendered to police in London and was arrested. Bail was refused over fears that he might flee, and also due to some fear that he was at risk from "unstable persons." With widespread calls for his murder, this might not be too far-fetched.
            4chan rushes to WikiLeaks' defense, forces Swiss banking site offline


            • #36
              Those crazy kids.


              • #37
                Starting to get pissed off at everyone turning on Assange.

                This is the crap that just keeps flowing from the public.

                "so in a nutshell he is not happy with people airing his dirty laundry....hypocrite"

                Can't these people see that it is in fact the system that is hypocritical? ...and the media, well they just make me want to vomit.

                Instead we should be hearing more quotes like this...

                "The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic." John F. Kennedy

                People aren't seeing the bigger picture. Instead they're just looking at the here and now. But people are shit... so what should we expect?


                • #38
                  I can't believe an adult wrote this:

                  "A bit rich for Mr Assange to be getting upset about documents containing incriminating evidence about him being leaked. Seems he may be able to dish it out but cannot take it."


                  • #39
                    Alot of people believe in everything Fox news reports. What more can I say.


                    • #40
                      Shame the swish were reluctant to present their "evidence" when trying to keep him in a UK prison while going for the extradition.


                      • #41
                        i was a WL fan until the last batch, the initial leaks about war crimes and such are fine but the leaking of random political emails seems out of order to me


                        • #42
                          According to Ars the password for this file has apparently been leaked, revealing a quarter million US State Department cables which are now online?


                          • #43

                            WikiLeaks 'insurance' files have not been decrypted. All press are currently misreporting. There is an issue, but not that issue.

