Jordi Batallé, who holds a master's degree in computer science, has spent the last few months building a DIY positional tracking solution for head mounted displays such as the Oculus VR Rift.
Unlike the developer kit for the Oculus Rift, it's 6-DOF, meaning you can move forward or backward, or peer forward/lean backward if sitting, and that will register (this will be in the Oculus Rift consumer retail version).
Unlike the developer kit for the Oculus Rift, it's 6-DOF, meaning you can move forward or backward, or peer forward/lean backward if sitting, and that will register (this will be in the Oculus Rift consumer retail version).
Basically my main design goals were:
- Positional tracking (real 6 DOF) with 360 degree horizontal and 90 degree vertical freedom
- Maximum one external tracking device (camera), easy to setup, no need for user input or calibration
- NOT having ‘protruding antennas’ (TrackIR style) or ‘external glowing balls’ (PS move style).