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First 9 minutes of Heavy Rain gameplay

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  • First 9 minutes of Heavy Rain gameplay

  • #2
    A lot of people are having a good laugh at it, but I for one think it looks truly intriguing. Shame about the awful animation and jerky responses. I'm a huge fan of point-and-click adventure games, and this looks like the first real extension of the genre in decades.

    I'm also a big fan of cinematic experiences being delivered by my games, which is partially why the first Modern Warfare was so amazing. Of course this heads down a completely opposite path; a psychological film noir - it's dark, and slow.

    Apparently you play 4 characters that are somehow connected to a single serial killer.


    • #3
      Definitely a game I will be picking up.


      • #4
        Ohs... Video is gone.


        • #5
          Just do a youtube search.


          • #6
            It's like The Sims gone feral. I'm surprised you didn't have to waggle the Sixaxis to make him shake his dick after the took the world's shortest morning piss ever.


            • #7
              Most pointless 'game' I've ever seen.


              • #8
                You guys really that's only the introductory sequence, right? You're not going to spend the entire game checking for food and urinating.

                I've just updated the first post with a copy of the video from the GU Viddler account, so it won't go disappearing on us.

                David Cage, the creative mind behind Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain, insists he didn't write the PS3-exclusive thriller with tabloids or censorship in mind.

                Speaking with the Official PlayStation Magazine UK, Cage said: "When you write something or you develop a project like Heavy Rain, you don't write for tabloids. You don't wonder what censorship will think of it, because otherwise you'd never do anything."

                He goes on to defend the game's more explicit scenes, previously noted in detail by US ratings board ESRB: "The game is not shocking for the sake of being shocking. There are some impressive scenes later in the game, but there's never sex for the sake of sex or gore for the sake of gore.

                "Nothing is gratuitous, and I think that everything supports the narrative and the emotional immersion of the player," added Cage.


                • #9
                  If you've played Indigo Prophecy then you already know what the studio's style is like. Even the story seems similar so far.

                  Bets are that this game's going to get the bejesus banned out of it when it gets to Australia. Especially if it's got the sex happy scenes IP had. (Which was actually a good game).

                  Indigo Prophecy - Sex Scene

                  FYI - The guy is actually dead. Necrophilia anyone?

                  In one of the early scenes of IP there was sex with an ex, and yes you had to push for thrust power!
                  Last edited by Jay; 29-01-10, 01:42 AM.


                  • #10
                    Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed.


                    • #11
                      i played indigo prophecy quite late. in 2009 actually. i loved it. the way it told a story was what got me hooked. shame about how the story decended into a mess but i felt it was the right step in story telling in games. Which is why when i played the heavy rain demo, it disappointed the hell out of me. Shoddy control system, bad acting, annoying detective work glasses. It just didn't seem right. Killed all the enthusiasm i had for it.


                      • #12
                        I'd say most stores around Melb have sold out already, however got my copy (in before the ban).


                        • #13
                          You talked about a ban Jay? Does that mean my copy is censored? What's the dealio there?

                          I'm 4 hours in and loving it. It feels to me like a contemporary extension of the old point and click adventure games. It's gripping, and if I didn't have to work tomorrow I'd finish it in a single sitting. It has basically made a PS3 re-purchase worth it - and tomorrow there's God of War 3 to pick-up.

                          Finally, some quality exclusives for the PS3 land!


                          • #14
                            The whole nipples in games thing.


                            • #15
                              Re: First 9 minutes of Heavy Rain gameplay

                              Still most certainly seeing those in this copy.

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

