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Bam Stroker's Shithouse Starcraft

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  • Bam Stroker's Shithouse Starcraft

    Hello budjus,

    For a while now I've been casting SC2 replays that my friends have been sending to me for shits and giggles. I've decided to cast (no pun intended) a wider net though and try my hand at commentating on games outside the confines of my immediate SC2 buddies.

    Make no mistake, though - the tagline for Shithouse Starcraft is "low level play with even lower level commentary" so if you want actually good casting and high-level play then stick to the established pros out there already doing it all over Youtube. If on the other hand you want some semi-amusing casts featuring your games or those of people you might actually know then you should send me your replays!

    Keep in mind though that just because you won doesn't make it a "good" game. While I wouldn't expect you to submit a replay where you lose horribly, try to keep the following in mind:
    • Your rank doesn't matter! I don't expect nor want all the games to be super gosu diamond level. Even two evenly matched bronze players can have an interesting game!
    • A game where you just rush and roflstomp a hapless opponent in three minutes isn't necessarily fun to watch or cast.
    • Cheese and/or BM is entertaining! If they try to cheese you and fail embarrassingly that's great; especially if they're unhappy about it. (Accusing you of maphacking is even better).
    • An epic 40 minute (real time, not SC2 "faster" time) game might be a testament to your endurance but the longest clip I can upload to Youtube is 15 mins and I would prefer to keep all replays to a maximum of two clips since it takes me ages to upload a 15 min HD clip to Youtube, so try to keep them short if you can. Exceptions will be made for games that really do have some amazing stuff take place but please try to be objective when you make that call and email me saying "omg this game goes for like two days but it's worth it!"

    If you have any good (as per the criteria established above) replays you should email them to ufo8mycat AT hotmail DOT com and I'll cast them when I get the chance. (Don't forget to tell me which player you are! I probably don't know your in-game name.)

    So get cracking! Dig through your replay vault and send me your awesome games! Or better still - get out there and play some stellar games for me to cast!

    Here's a couple of my previous replays to whet your appetite for GU nerd fame:

    Last edited by Bam Stroker; 16-01-11, 12:13 AM.

  • #2
    Your awesome.


    • #3
      My awesome what?


      • #4
        So, so good man. Even if the games were shit, your commentary is gold.

        Well done.

        PS. I sent you a game already.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bam Stroker View Post
          My awesome what?
          Your awesome sexy voice. Plus your mic isn't aids


          • #6
            Ahhhhhh, dig.


            • #7
              Seems like a top effort to me


              • #8
                Okay, I'm only going to compare it against other commentary's that I've listen to of the star-craft 2 league matches in Korea. Forgot the names of the guys who do it, you probably know their names.

                * When listening to your cometary you need to be very quick in identifying everything. Most of the time you're searching for things to say/do during the replay. You need to be constantly engaging the listeners.
                * Keep a steady commentary of the match, even watch it before hand and note down what is the interesting parts, boring parts and what you can talk about in the background when both of the players are setting their bases up.
                * Don't be a smart ass complement each player for what they're doing but also come down harsh on them if you consider they could of done something different.

                Keep at it, it sounds like by the 3rd match you where getting into the swing of things. Look forward to your next video.


                • #9
                  Obviously with a name like "Shithouse Starcraft" he's really shooting for the big league...

                  Your comprehension skills are totally and utterly woeful.


                  • #10
                    nice work Dan


                    • #11
                      Chad's got some valid points, but GI is right in the end - I'm just doing this for shits and giggles. I don't have some secret ambition of being the next Day9. It's just fun to watch Starcraft and talk shit at the same time.


                      • #12
                        Don't change man. Don't change.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Bam Stroker View Post
                          Chad's got some valid points, but GI is right in the end - I'm just doing this for shits and giggles. I don't have some secret ambition of being the next Day9. It's just fun to watch Starcraft and talk shit at the same time.
                          And drink a few brews, your beer voice skills are epic to behold


                          • #14
                            kool ill have to send ya some replays i've had some epic battles from the brink come back 3v3's so yer ill have scan over.

                            ROCK LOBSTER!!
                            Last edited by The Happy Devil; 17-01-11, 12:49 PM. Reason: rock lobster


                            • #15
                              FYI I never added more videos because grandinferno was the only one who sent me a replay and it was a 2v2 which are hard to cast (sorry, dude). If anyone has some 1v1s they'd like to submit my email address is in the first post.
                              Last edited by Bam Stroker; 02-03-11, 02:59 AM.

