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Mass Effect add-on: "Bring Down the sky"

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  • Mass Effect add-on: "Bring Down the sky"

    Finally got around to downloading and playing this... although I was pretty disappointed.

    The concept sounded epic. I envisaged Deep Impact/Armageddon in the Mass Effect universe. Perhaps I should have read exactly what the deal was first. It wound up being a repetitive scenario; take out a few facilities filled with baddies, turn off the jets propelling the rock towards one of the world below, save some people or sacrifice them/kill the main bad guy and you're done.

    This annoys me not just because it was a poorly made, longer than usual side-mission, but because the side-missions in general throughout Mass Effect are really the only things that sucked about the game - the primary story-driven objectives were bloody awesome, it's just a shame I wasn't compelled to continue with all of the extra stuff due to how boring it was - especially the random worlds to explore where you'd drive that sh*t-house truck to random points and "survey" shit, which is partly what this was. What a waste of my f*cking time.

    One good thing has come out of it though; it has give me the motivation to play through Mass Effect again, which I think is the first time I've ever played a single player game through again after finishing it once. While it's still seriously awesome, once you play it through a second time you start to realise how linear it actually is, despite "open ended" claims.

  • #2
    linear with multiple endings.

    however yes, i rarely finish games more than once before becoming bored, and yet i am currently on my 4th playthrough.


    • #3
      if dragonage origins lives up to the hype, and you're dissapointed in that rec, then i dont know what rpg will ever please you

      and dont say fallout 3


      • #4
        Dragonage Origins eh... sounds dragonish. Which which case I won't even play it. I really don't like fantasy at all - makes me want to hurt people.


        • #5
          So what happens when you like the fantasy of hurting people/robots/aliens? does it make you want to hurt yourself? i Gotta get my Mass Effect game back from my friend and download this extra titbit!


          • #6
            I mean fantasy as a genre, not as a definition relating to imagination. I'm not into elves, dwarves, dragons, Middle Earth or any of that shit - although the LOTR movies did rock.

            Mass Effect is sci-fi. Which I love.


            • #7
              genre itself doesn't worry me too much.

              an epic plot, and how they execute it is what draws me into a game.

