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  • DeathSpank

    Just picked up this little gem from STEAM.

    A really fun little RPG; with a lot of humour and fun gameplay.
    It's cartoony so not to everyones tastes, but it makes up for it with hack n slash fun; and again more humour thrown in.

    I particularly like the item names; such as 'Spikey Helm' with flavour text such as 'The metal protects me with metal'.

    Played about 2hrs so far and really enjoying it.
    It even has local co-op. I haven't tried it yet but I'm assuming it's sharing the same screen space for both players; as the second player needs to be using a controller.

    $14.99USD and worth every penny.

  • #2
    By the guys who did the original Monkey Island yeah?


    • #3
      No idea to be honest.

      It's reminding me of something, but for the life of me I can't quite put my finger on it.
      It's very dry, satirical humor. It's also clearly aimed at the teen to adult market as it has a hell of a lot of adult themed undertones.

      I'm going to give local co-op a go this weekend with Heretic - see how it plays out

