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playstation x

  • PlayStation phone is Xperia Play

    PlayStation phone is Xperia Play

    So it turns out that the PlayStation phone is not a PlayStation phone at all, simply a new Sony Ericsson named the Xperia Play. However, it is somewhat uniquely PlayStation. It will be the first Android device to feature Sony's new PlayStation Suite, enabling users to download and play PS One classics. Look out for the official reveal on February 13th...
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  • PlayStation branded Android 3.0 to be announced

    PlayStation branded Android 3.0 to be announced

    Engadget has been told by "a trusted source" that Sony Ericsson will be introducing a PlayStation branded, Android driven mobile phone later this year. The device is said to be a "landscape slider" sporting PlayStation buttons, a d-pad and a "long touch pad" which is designed to mimic dual analog input.
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  • PlayStation 4 officially in development

    PlayStation 4 officially in development

    It's something most of us assumed anyway, but it has now been revealed that the next iteration of Sony's PlayStation hardware is in the works. When Sony boss, Shuhei Yoshidaasked, was asked if they were officially working on new console hardware, he emphatically answered "yes, we are undergoing many activities that we haven't yet been talking about in public. Some future platform related activities....
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  • PS3 gets Twisted Metal, GT5 release date and pay-PSN

    PS3 gets Twisted Metal, GT5 release date and pay-PSN

    We've been talking about Twisted Metal rumours here for a while. Jaffe would drop the odd hint, then drop another to nullify it. It was all very confusing, but the cat is finally out of the bag! Twisted Metal for the PlayStation 3 lands in 2011 with choppers, bikes and 16-player online....
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  • Metal Gear Solid: Rising trailer

    in Xbox

    Metal Gear Solid: Rising trailer

    The next Metal Gear Solid is on the way, titled Rising, and a trailer has been outed at Microsoft's E3 press conference. Fans of sneaking, prepare to be quietly excited...
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  • Xbox 360 'Slim' and Kinect versus Move

    in Xbox

    Xbox 360 'Slim' and Kinect versus Move

    Before you ask; Kinect is the official name for Microsoft's Natal, which was merely a codename for the project. Kinect lands this November, and is priced at $150 USD. Surprisingly, it's smaller than what you might have expecetd, but still requires it's own power adapter...
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  • Gran Turismo 5 gets another trailer

    Gran Turismo 5 gets another trailer

    When you're developing a game for 5+ years, you really do need to keep the bread crumb trail going - because interest and enthusiasm can wander, even with a killer IP such as Gran Turismo. Thankfully, the guys over at Polyphony do a pretty damn good job of this. But no, we still don't have a release date...
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  • Killzone 3 trailer stabs eyes, snaps necks

    Killzone 3 trailer stabs eyes, snaps necks

    We were teased just days ago, and now a full length trailer has been delivered from E3 2010 for our viewing pleasure. And it really is a pleasure - violence has never looked so beautiful. Typically, I'm not one to pick up a console shooter, but this is one I will be....
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  • Killzone 3 gameplay footage

    Killzone 3 gameplay footage

    It's only 20 seconds worth, and it is a camera filming a television, but there are jet-packs! With any luck we'll see this presentation in full length and in full HD glory during E3....
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  • Killzone 3 teaser trailer arrives

    Killzone 3 teaser trailer arrives

    If you're a PlayStation 3 owner and liked Killzone 2, you'll probably like Killzone 3. Here's a tease trailer to whet your appetite....
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  • Play your PS3 in 3D on June 10

    Play your PS3 in 3D on June 10

    If you live in Japan, on June 10th you'll be graced with patches for various games to get them going in 3D. If you don't, well, you'll just have to wait a bit longer. WipEout HD, Super Stardust HD and Pain are the first titles to go 3D - WipEout HD and Super Stardust for free. It looks like Pain, as well as various future patches, will entail a small charge, likely to be around $5 AUD.....
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  • LittleBigPlanet 2's debut trailer

    LittleBigPlanet 2's debut trailer

    For those that aren't aware, LittleBigPlanet 2 is officially in the pipes. Yesterday Sony let the debut trailer loose, so I thought I'd share it with you here. The LBP2 level builder has been extended to the point of being able to create your own entire games, and you can expect backwards-compatibility with all of the existing LittleBigPlanet community levels and content....
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  • ModNation Racers just 8 days away

    ModNation Racers just 8 days away

    Picture Little Big Planet meets Mario Kart, and you have ModNation Racers. It seems to have slipped under the radar for many, but with its release just 8 days away, press is ramping up. Many mainstream gaming press sites now have previews up, and if you watched the last episode of ABC's Good Game you would have seen it there too. If it looks like your kind of thing, you can pre-order it from Game for $89 delivered....
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  • Even Ubisoft support think Splinter Cell: Conviction is headed to the PS3

    Even Ubisoft support think Splinter Cell: Conviction is headed to the PS3

    Xbox 360 owners are currently playing Splinter Cell: Conviction. In 10 days, PC gamers will be too. For the longest time, Conviction has been dubbed an Xbox 360 exclusive in the console world. Last month however, a Ubisoft Montreal developer listed a PlayStation 3 version of the title on his resume. And now, you can search Ubisoft support topics for a PS3 version of Conviction too......
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  • God of War III officially lands tomorrow

    God of War III officially lands tomorrow

    God of War III is upon us. Tomorrow, the 18th of March, disaffected Spartan-turned-Greek-God Kratos makes his debut on the PlayStation 3. Here's the launch trailer to whet your appetite...
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