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Mass Effect: Revelation

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  • Mass Effect: Revelation

    I'm not normally a fiction type of guy when it comes to books - Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game being one of the few I've ever finished. But somehow, Bam not only got me onto the Mass Effect novels, but the awesome Kindle app to read them with.

    I'm not far in yet, but it's already so awesome. I fell in love with the universe thanks to the game, and this has only reinforced that attachment, ten-fold. Despite clearly drawing on Star Trek and Star Wars for inspiration, I personally think it's just so much better. I just bought the original game's soundtrack via iTunes for $17 to throw on while I'm reading if it's noisy around me.

    Has anybody else read through?

  • #2
    I told you it was good! I mean, it's not going to win a Hugo or a Nebula award, but it's just an awesome story. I think I signalled how good it was by the fact I was reading it at every chance - even during Powderfinger's set!

    I love the amount of exposition that takes place - the way that the author keeps interrupting conversations and runs away explaining a particular piece of technology or history that has been referenced in passing by one of the characters and then comes back to finish the scene.

    A dose of action, some political intrigue and sciency stuff to geek out to. That's all I ask for.

    [edit] I just made a schoolboy error and decided to read a chapter or two before I went to bed. Now it's nearly 7am and I've finished it off.

    Con: It's going to be a struggle getting through work today.
    Pro: Now I can start on Mass Effect: Ascension!
    Last edited by Bam Stroker; 20-01-10, 06:30 AM.

