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Movies Worth Watching

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  • I saw 'Drag me to Hell' today. It is a great movie! Well worth seeing!! Drag Me To Hell Movie Reviews, Pictures - Rotten Tomatoes


    • interesting one: Paranormal Activity

      Last edited by Aegis; 18-09-09, 10:53 AM.


      • Freaky.


        • Adventureland. Great coming-of-age flick from the Superbad dudes.

          Evangelion 1.01 - You Are (Not) Alone. First six episodes of the epic 90's television series compressed into a re-imagined feature length film. A must see for anime or Evangelion fans. The following trailer doesn't have English sub titles, but you get the idea...

          Blade Runner (Final Cut). The most engrossing atmosphere, set design and dystopian ambiance. It's 30 years old, and holds up as a film that could have been released in 2009.

          State of Play. Pretty good "who did it" crime/suspense/drama thingo with Russel Crowe.

          The Proposal. Surprisingly really, really funny.


          • Adventureland was more of a drama then the comedy I was expecting. Still good though.


            • Just saw Up in 3D. Awesome.


              • Seeing this on Tuesday night, can't wait!


                • Margaret and David both gave it massive reviews. Spacey as the voice rocks!


                  • Just watched "Duplicity". I've had it for a long while but only got around to watching it tonight and I'm hugely impressed.

                    Clive Owen originally attracted me to the film but I reckon in the end it was Julia Roberts that kept making me choose another film to watch when I had the opportunity instead of this, but my wife wanted to watch it so on we went and I'm soo glad she did.

                    It's a must see in my book.

                    Edit - Followed up Duplicity with 'The Taking of Pelham 123". Good all rounded Film. It's one of those films where you can tell that due to good production and direction the Film works, plenty of ppl could have killed it.
                    Last edited by ResLo; 25-10-09, 01:09 AM.


                    • I enjoyed both of those flicks as well.

                      Travolta as a bad guy is entertaining.


                      • Ok... erm so I've just watched Crank 2:High Voltage and .... erm, its not quite what I expected. It's f**cked up is what it is!!

                        The film starts of in the standard kind of way (ignoring the whole I've had a heart transplanted out of me but I'm still good to go) and then the action (and there is heaps of it) starts. So far so good. All run of the mill scenes for the audience that its aimed at, then things take a turn. Not necessarily for the worst but its the biggest WTF I've ever experienced in any film.

                        I found myself laughing out loud heaps of times, its very very funny in parts (the racetrack for one), but in the end it implodes in on itself and loses all sense of reality (not that there was much to start with).

                        It's a film I'd recommend for people who have seen the first (as they are the kind of ppl who can watch a film and dispense with reality for a while) if only to hear what others think of how it was presented.

                        Here are a few comments from Rotten Tomatoes (where it has a rating of 63%)

                        Waking up in the aftermath of a meth-lab explosion might be less disorienting than watching this. And if you think there's no room for more, Neveldine/Taylor are probably a weekend and a bag of crack-filled Pixie Stix away from proving you wrong.
                        Ron Jeremy, who makes a cameo appearance, is too good for this movie and he's done porn
                        Basically the co-writers and co-directors Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor sneer at any kind of rules, decorum or morality. Anything goes, as long as it's within the realm of exploitation-level \"B\" moviemaking.
                        And finally the quote that sums this film up for me..

                        The constant escalation to [the filmmakers'] inventive insanity is so breathtaking, it's like a slap in the face to the tired hacks who make the glossy hidebound junk that passes for an action movie these days.


                        • The Brothers Bloom

                          LOVED THIS MOVIE, I can't really say much more but WOW.


                          • I'm part way through the Brothers Bloom - started watching it in bed one night and decided I'd need to be more awake for it than I was.

                            Crank 2 was indeed f*cked up, but I found it quite entertaining. I reckon I'd watch anything Jason Statham was in though.


                            • 77% on Rotten Tomatoes, very good reviews all over the place.


                              • And another.... This one has come completely under the radar for me. It's been released in the UK this week.

