It was believed that GPU optimisations for the lag being experienced was going to make it into the last patch, instead "GPU hitching on certain graphics cards" is still on the to-do list, and we can likely expect that to be addressed next time the game is patched. Other upcoming fixes include"Incomplete server browser results" and "Improvements to Quickmatch joins (results with better ping and reduced lag)".
Meanwhile however, the Xbox 360 has received literally dozens of gameplay adjustments and refinements. From louder footsteps to decreasing the knife lunge distance. Let's cross our fingers, and hope the same amount of effort to balance the game will be put into the PC version.
first priority shoul dbe get the masses playing smoothly.....then fix the little things
I can run MW and MW2 all on high settings very comfortably......but this runs like a pig no matter what settings, and it really needs fixing
any idea when the next patch will be out?
yes there is some bad coding and some issues that a lot of people are having that needs fixing, but in my case the knifing is the biggest issue.
My main concern is the games polish (i.e. little things), Treyarch is obviously not the most fail developer ever or there game wouldn't have smashed sales records on release.