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ESRB rates Deus Ex: Human Revolution Mature, reveals much


  • ESRB rates Deus Ex: Human Revolution Mature, reveals much

    Deus Ex: Human RevolutionIt looks like Australians may have dodged a ban with our seemingly leniant MA15+ classification for Deus Ex: Human Revolution, where the board's consumer advice is that the game contains "strong themes, violence and sexual references." America's ESRB makes several additions to that list, such as "drug reference, intense violence, strong language, use of alcohol" and rated it M. In their summary they also reveal a lot about the title:

    "This is a first-person shooter in which players assume the role of Adam Jensen, an ex-cop who must uncover the truth behind a cybernetics company's attack. Players complete mission-based objectives to increase their character's skills (e.g., stealth, strength) and advance the main storyline. Players use pistols, shotguns, assault rifles, and explosives to kill a variety of human enemies (e.g., soldiers, police officers, gang members, drug dealers).

    "Players can also use stealth attacks (e.g., choking, electrocution) to dispatch enemies at close range. Firefights are highlighted by screams of pain, realistic gunfire, explosions, and large sprays of blood that stain the surrounding environment. Players can sometimes make choices that result in the death of innocent characters: during one sequence, an injured man asks to be "put out of his misery"-the main character can then administer a morphine overdose.

    "Civilians can also be killed directly, though this may negatively affect players' progress. As the game progresses, alcoholic beverages (e.g., beer, vodka, cocktails) can be purchased and consumed to reduce damage, resulting in a screen-blurring effect. In one mission, players can plant "illegal drugs" in a character's residence; marijuana products (i.e., "cigaweed") are occasionally referenced in the dialogue.

    "Some missions contain sexual material: a brothel room containing a sex toy on the bed; dialogue with prostitutes (e.g., "They want me to get augmentations . . . for the customer's pleasure. It's sick" and "[W]e can find a quiet spot . . . Do you have enough money for me, sexy?"). The words "f**k" and "sh*t" can be heard in the dialogue."

    RATING INFORMATION: Deux Ex: Human Revolution [ESRB]
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    • Milenko
      Milenko commented
      Editing a comment
      Sounds great!

    • Guest's Avatar
      Vuko commented
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      SO its pretty much NO different to a majority of modern games... which all include crude language, violence and sexual content, this classification is retarded... you experience of of these 3 types of things on a Sat night out in the city... the Aust gv needs to grow up.
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